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stories of people who found support in Pristanište

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“We were transported to another reality”

For the New Year’s holidays, a group of 16 people from the village of Sad in the Sumy region of Ukraine came to us. These are students and teachers of the Sadsky Lyceum. 

During the week, they went on a hike to the village of Sveti Stefan, toured the Old Town with a professional guide, got acquainted with the history of Budva, and saw how Badni dan (Christmas Eve in the Balkans) is celebrated here. We also conducted psychological training in the art therapy format for the group. We are glad that we were able to give children and adults this week of rest and quiet, away from the front-line territories.

Here’s what the lyceum’s teachers and children wrote in our review book:

‘We express our sincere gratitude to the entire team of the Pristanište Foundation for the incredibly warm welcome to the Sadovsky Lyceum-children and teachers. Considering our stay in the frontline Sumy region, we were very pleased to feel comfortable and humane attitude, which was manifested in accommodation, provision, and organization of high-quality leisure activities. It is as if we were transported to another reality, which captures us with incredible landscapes, positive emotions, and sincere feelings. You have given us the opportunity at such a difficult moment to be inspired by the peaceful realities that we need so much for our further struggle. We appreciate your kindness and willingness to help anyone who needs it. Thank you for such a warm welcome and for the happy eyes of our children. glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes!’

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Montenegro – love at first sight

This is how guests of the Marina house who come here for the first time describe their feelings for this country.

Montenegro is really beautiful. But such emotions arise, among other things, thanks to our volunteer guides. They say and show what they love, and love begets love.

Recently, a large group from the Sumy region (Ukraine) – 16 people, children and adults from the Sadsky Lyceum – went on a hike to the village of Sveti Stefan, with a professional guide went around the entire Old Town of Budva and got acquainted with its history. And as an audience, I enjoyed watching the celebration of Badna Dana, Christmas Eve in the Balkans.

Here’s what the band members wrote in the book of reviews about one of their trips::

‘The tour lasted an hour and a half and was fascinating! We really liked the guide-his presentation style, informative and informative story. We are all amazed and charmed. Many thanks to everyone involved in organizing our leisure activities. Special thanks to Nikolay for his positive attitude and practical advice.’

And we also say thank you to all our partners who share their love for Montenegro with the guests of Pristanište.


from Belarus, 17.06.2023

I express my gratitude to the Pristanište Foundation and say thank you to every volunteer, coordinator, founder, and resident! Thank you, guys, for creating a place where people understand each other, where support and empathy come first! It’s an incredible place, and you are incredible! I would like to give special thanks to the volunteer Andrey, a kind-hearted person who, without unnecessary words, was there from the very first day, ready to help with anything he could. Andrey, I wish peace for your country, strength to your family, and all the best to you personally! Thank you for everything! Warmest regards. Glory to Ukraine! Freedom for Russia! Long live Belarus!

every month

Help us collect them!

help with money

Nevladina Fondacija Pristaniste
Velji Vinogradi BB, Budva, Montenegro
Bank of Beneficiary
Hipotekarna Banka AD Podgorica
Bank Address
81000 Podgorica, Josipa Broza Tita 67
Payment reference
Bar Barduck
Fri–Sat 18:00–01:00, Sun 18:00–00:00
Adriatic Garden
Mon-Fri 08:00–20:00, Sat 08:00–18:00
Auditoria Budva
Mon-Fri 08:00–23:00, Sat-Sun 10:00–23:00
TopBoy Barbershop
Daily from 11:00 to 21:00
Reforum Space Budva
8:00 - 23:00 weekdays; 10:00 - 23:00 weekends. Space: during events. Behind the bus station, in Moj Lab house (entrance opposite the fire station).
Focuss Space Co-working & Event Hall
Weekdays from 09:00 to 18:30. The co-working space is located in the Adriatic Open School building on the 4th floor, elevator is available.
Pixel BoardGames Club
Mon-Fri from 16:00 to 21:00, Sat-Sun from 12:00 to 22:00
Bogart Craft Beer and Coffee Pub
Mon-Sat 16:00-00:00, Sun 15:00-00:00
O2 for Soul (pottery studio)
Mon-Fri from 11:00 to 20:00. Sat from 11 to 18:30
Natalia, Elina

Thank you for help with temporary place to live and possibility for my daughter to keep on training in comfort conditions, for acquaintance with lovely country – Montenegro.Thank you for shelter, help and nice company. We hope that our victory is close and we will meet in other circumstances. We believe, hope and pray for our Ukraine all together!Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Sergey Kremnev

It was difficult and unusual for me to ask for help. I look at myself now and think that to be almost naked in a foreign country without money…. I needed this. To feel my defenselessness and, at the same time, the kindness and warmth of people. I got away from my worries. I came to a house full of generous, attentive, sensitive, and very, very warm people. This home is imbued with a daily healing routine that brings life back to a lost normalcy, filling it with new meaning. Thank you, everyone, who gave me this opportunity, who lived with me in this bright home

Marina and Alexander

Thank you so much!!!Yet back home, in Ukraine, after phone call with Alena, the moderator, we felt how kind and envolved she was. It was so relieving: we were not alone, they were waiting us!!! And the first step is so important…. Here we found warm and involved attitude, kindness, open hearts and help… Thank You All who’s participating in such a Good Deed! Good people are majority in the world anyway, so the Good is going to win!!! You created the real Shelter, in the highest meaning of the word.Thank you and may the Lord help you on your right way.

Dima and Dasha

I would like to say much thanks and express my huge gratitude to the People who organised it all. You’re giving the way out of the situation which seemed to be hopeless. Huge thanks!All the best!I want to express the deep gratitude to Pristanište. You gave me the opportunity to exhale and look around a bit. We’ve lived here for two weeks, and during this shirt period Pristanište has become a familiar place where we felt at home.Thank you for your kindness and support, for your warmth and your incredible work.It was nice to meet like-minded people and openly call things by their names.Peace for all!Live Belarus!Glory to Ukraine!Russia will be free!

A family from Moscow

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to Pristanište as a family. We were given such a warm welcome, we tried to help in every possible way and create the most comfortable conditions for living.It is easy and warm here. During our stay at Pristanište we met kind, responsive and interesting people who are always ready to help.There are not enough words to express the words of gratitude and admiration to Pristanište for this noble cause, both in our private case and in the meaning of the historical scale.With love and gratitude


from Russia (Samara), 15.11.2022

In life I used to count on myself, well, and on my loved ones. When I first heard about “Pristanište” I took it with caution … even warily. even wary. And to the last hesitated: “Is it worth it?But still decided that it was worth it. I wrote an application, Alena soon answered.I was expecting to see various flags, slogans, appeals, and to hear children crying, sadness and melancholy.But when I entered the gate of my refuge, a very different picture opened in front of me.At a street table, quiet, happy people chatting, discussing art and more, children playing something on the street.But that is not the main thing. The main thing is that once I entered the gate, I was immersed in silence, harmony, grace.What was missing in recent weeks: the constant bustle, rush, endless hostels with a crowd of people. And here is the silence, as if time stood still.In fact, a man does not need much – a home, warmth and food, and support, of course.There is everything here. And that’s great.Thank you!

Alexander Sysenko

I would like to express a deep gratitude for the assistance provided in a difficult time for me! Thanks for support and warm welcome. Administration of Pristaniste provided all kinds of support. Low bow and prosperity to everyone who was involved in this projectDyakuyu! Spasibo! Thanks! Obrigada! Hvala!

Donetsk region

Sergey Pshenichny

From Russia (Moscow, Kursk), 14.01.2023

Thank you very much for the provided rooms in the Pristaniste! It helped me a lot, and I was able to look around in a new country, meet new people and find a source of income. Special thanks to: 1) the organizers of the Pristaniste. 2) Alena, who promptly answered my questionnaire and invited me to the Pristaniste 3) administrator Yana, who met, provided the initial set of food, told about local customs, was always in touch and answered my questions 4) residents of the Pristaniste: Vladimir, Gregory, Maxim, Andrey, Elena, Taya, Anastasia and many others 5) all other kind people who I met in Montenegro.


From Russia (Tula)

Thank you very much to the founders and volunteers of Pristanište for their help and support in these trying times! With all my soul, I wish you prosperity, success in all your future endeavors, and a peaceful sky. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!