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August in Priestanishte

Август в Пристаниште

Thank you for being a part of our community.

We tell you how August, the last month of summer, went in Pristanište.

🔹We had 50 people living in a temporary house, including 23 children and teenagers. From Ukraine-43 people, most of them in the program ‘Sleep in silence’.

This program allows people from Kiev, Kharkiv and other Ukrainian cities to spend two weeks in peaceful Budva and recover a little.

Andreyand Anya from the Ukrainian city of Sumy also stayed with us.

They decided to stay in Montenegro, so they were looking for housing and work. Everything was successful, the guys have already moved to their new home. We are very happy for this couple. Here’s what they wrote to us:

‘Helping Priestanishte was a breath of fresh air for us. We not only enjoyed the incredible nature of Budva, but also solved all the cases of moving here. ( … ) We do not say: ‘Goodbye, Shelter!”. We say, ‘ Hello, our new home!”

About the temporary house Pristanište — among othershelters-an articlewas published on the portal ‘Free Siberia“, which was reprinted by”Present Time’. Our graduates and employees gave interviews to the journalist: Diana Girenko, who was one of the first to come to Budva in March 2022 from Kharkiv, and Alexey from Siberia, who lived with us recently.

On August 25, volunteers and alumni of the community met in the courtyard of Pristanište — already traditionally. ‘We were swimming in friendship, drowning in love, celebrating catch after catch, ‘the Juniper group sang, it was very emotional. Thank you to soloist Boris Yechmaev and all the artists who supported us this month: the group ‘Aloe Vera’, musicians Alexander Dyachenko and Igor Om, artist Anatoly Karon.

💙 💛 We held a Family Fest in Cetinje. We prepared it together with the Ukrainohortsy organization: it unites Ukrainians living in Montenegro. The festival was attended by musicians, artists, children’s creative groups, MixMarkt, craftsmen and private Montenegrin producers of the most delicious honey and raki. Strictly speaking, it was already September 1 — but the summer was definitely not over yet.

📌 And some more numbers:

– 27 events were held for guests and graduates of Pristanište and their children,
– 780. 85 euros were collected at master classes, performances of anti-war musicians and artists,
– 297.30 euros were raised at garage sales, 11 SIM cards were bought for guests, 28 food sets were issued.

Three companies participated in the day of Mutual Assistance: Rabbit Club (Bar), Be Beauty Hair Store, Auditorium.Budva cultural center. On August 5, they transferred part of the proceeds to Pristanište.

Seven psychological consultations were conducted by our volunteer psychologists. By the way, on October 5-6, we will host a large psychological conference ‘Rebuild yourself’, dedicated to the problems that we face in emigration. 13 psychologists will speak at the conference. Admission is free. If you are in Budva-come to Reforum Space. If not, join online.

If you want to help our community on an ongoing basis, sign up for regular donations: 5 euros per month (a cup of coffee and a croissant) will allow us to look forward to the future more confidently and work even better

help with money

Nevladina Fondacija Pristaniste
Velji Vinogradi BB, Budva, Montenegro
Bank of Beneficiary
Hipotekarna Banka AD Podgorica
Bank Address
81000 Podgorica, Josipa Broza Tita 67
Payment reference
Bar Barduck
Fri–Sat 18:00–01:00, Sun 18:00–00:00
Adriatic Garden
Mon-Fri 08:00–20:00, Sat 08:00–18:00
Auditoria Budva
Mon-Fri 08:00–23:00, Sat-Sun 10:00–23:00
TopBoy Barbershop
Daily from 11:00 to 21:00
Reforum Space Budva
8:00 - 23:00 weekdays; 10:00 - 23:00 weekends. Space: during events. Behind the bus station, in Moj Lab house (entrance opposite the fire station).
Focuss Space Co-working & Event Hall
Weekdays from 09:00 to 18:30. The co-working space is located in the Adriatic Open School building on the 4th floor, elevator is available.
Pixel BoardGames Club
Mon-Fri from 16:00 to 21:00, Sat-Sun from 12:00 to 22:00
Bogart Craft Beer and Coffee Pub
Mon-Sat 16:00-00:00, Sun 15:00-00:00
O2 for Soul (pottery studio)
Mon-Fri from 11:00 to 20:00. Sat from 11 to 18:30

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