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Over 100 New Year’s Gifts Collected for Refugee Children


For the second time, with your help, we created a New Year’s miracle! Over 100 refugee children received gifts for the New Year and Christmas.

We gave out sweet gifts to children who are spending their New Year’s holidays with us, and we handed over most of the toys and sweets to the children of Pristanište and the friendly Ukrainian community Uniting Hearts UA — Children’s Community «Uniting Hearts» — here are their words of gratitude:

«Wizards of Pristanište, THANK YOU for the gifts!
These are not just toys, sweets, and construction sets — they are faith in miracles, they are happy eyes of children from different parts of Ukraine.
This is another reason to get together to share carols, sing native songs and at least for an hour or two to get distracted from the news from home.
A big thank you from the bottom of our hearts

We tried our best to make sure that no child was left without attention and gifts, our Saint Nicholas stayed in Budva until January 7th for this occasion, and we did it! Together we gave children a holiday and faith in miracles, thank you!

help with money

Nevladina Fondacija Pristaniste
Velji Vinogradi BB, Budva, Montenegro
Bank of Beneficiary
Hipotekarna Banka AD Podgorica
Bank Address
81000 Podgorica, Josipa Broza Tita 67
Payment reference
Bar Barduck
Fri–Sat 18:00–01:00, Sun 18:00–00:00
Adriatic Garden
Mon-Fri 08:00–20:00, Sat 08:00–18:00
Auditoria Budva
Mon-Fri 08:00–23:00, Sat-Sun 10:00–23:00
TopBoy Barbershop
Daily from 11:00 to 21:00
Reforum Space Budva
8:00 - 23:00 weekdays; 10:00 - 23:00 weekends. Space: during events. Behind the bus station, in Moj Lab house (entrance opposite the fire station).
Focuss Space Co-working & Event Hall
Weekdays from 09:00 to 18:30. The co-working space is located in the Adriatic Open School building on the 4th floor, elevator is available.
Pixel BoardGames Club
Mon-Fri from 16:00 to 21:00, Sat-Sun from 12:00 to 22:00
Bogart Craft Beer and Coffee Pub
Mon-Sat 16:00-00:00, Sun 15:00-00:00
O2 for Soul (pottery studio)
Mon-Fri from 11:00 to 20:00. Sat from 11 to 18:30

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