Irina, one of the foundation's beneficiaries, was walking along the Budva promenade in the morning and was very upset by what she saw: the entire beach was covered with plastic bottles and other debris that had come from the sea after the storm.
She urged everyone to join her and go to the beach to clean it. Many people supported this initiative and immediately got down to business. Also friends of Green Adriatic Fund, Montenegrin community of Russian-speaking eco-activists, willingly joined the cleanup. And so there was a "subbotnik" on Monday.
And the participants of this initiative got into the media.
After, all amicably gathered for tea in the house. There we continue to consciously collect recyclable materials, which we collect in separate fractions: plastic bottles, plastic caps and batteries.
Then it all goes to Reciklažno Dvorište Lovanja, where there is a special press. After which the raw material is sent abroad to processing companies.
Friends, join the eco-movement. If everyone begins to make efforts in this direction - our planet will be much cleaner!
And all useful information about the separate collection of recyclable materials and different environmentally friendly activities you can find on the website of the Green Adriatic