
On March, 5 Pristaniste turned to be one and a half year old and this was also a Day of Charity

That day was very special for us as it linked one and a half year anniversary for our community and International Day of Charity. Now Pristaniste unifies more than 400 volunteers, who chose charity. We high value each and everyone and are always happy to welcome new people of board.

Our mission is to help refugees and migrants, who had to move to Montenegro because of war or repressions. Our support of beneficiaries is very complex: from provision of housing and up to psychological support.

  • Temporary home. We created a safe environment where you can breathe out, put yourself together and decide on what to do next. More than 800 people have stayed in our guest house more than 200 out of them were children.

  • Consultation of refugees. We tell them about legalization possibilities in Montenegro, help to find the job and apartment to live after their stay at our place is over. More than 2500 people got already such a help.

  • Psychological support. We see that psychotherapy helps in realizing the consequences of war, in finding inner resources and in beginning moving forward. Our specialists have provided 72 consultations and 22 supervisions for volunteer psychologists.

  • Targeted assistance. In extraordinary cases we provide a targeted financial support. Within our operational period we sponsored 72 people with 15811€ in total.

If you want to help refugees and migrants in Pristaniste, you can:

  • Become a volunteer. Fill in the questionnaire and we will decide together how your skills and knowledge can be wisely used for help.
  • Bring cloths, pillows, blankets, household items and food for the families staying in Montenegro. Please contact us in WhatsApp/Telegram for this: +382 68 585485
  • Provide targeted help. Now we support two families: Inna and her daughter Sasha with cerebralpalsy and multiply defects of central nervous system; and pensioners Vadim and Svetlana.
  • Charity is often associated with money support, but it can look different. For example, food, cloths and medicine provision, or legal advice and interpreter support.
2023-09-05 10:32